Vescovi, et al. v. Souza Cruz S A
Maria Regina Braun Vescovi v. Souza Cruz S A, CNJ: 0033141-07.2004.8.21.0035, 1a Vara Cível do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul [1st Civil Court of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul] (2011).
- Brazil
- Jan 10, 2011
- 1st Civil Court of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul (1a Vara Cível do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul)
The plaintiffs sought damages under various tobacco control laws from defendant tobacco company, Souza Cruz, claiming that defendant's misleading advertisements led to their husband/father's consumption of tobacco products for many years and his eventual death. The Court held in favor of the tobacco company and dismissed the case, finding that the defendant had acted in compliance with the tobacco control laws.