A customer sued a restaurant for damages caused to her by exposure to second hand smoking while dining at the restaurant. At the time, the restaurant had insufficient signs prohibiting smoking, restaurant staff did not enforce the smoke free law, and ashtrays were provided on the tables. In a small claims procedure, the court awarded the customer full compensation allowed by law in order to deter business' owners from allowing customers to smoke.
An individual or organization may seek civil damages against a tobacco company based on the claim that the use of tobacco products causes disease or death. Some of these cases will relate to general tobacco products, while others will relate to specific subcategories of tobacco products--for example, light or low products, menthol or other flavored products. Additionally, there may be cases relating to exposure to secondhand smoke.
A customer sued a restaurant for damages caused to her by exposure to second hand smoking while dining at the restaurant. At the time, the restaurant had insufficient signs prohibiting smoking, restaurant staff did not enforce the smoke free law, and ashtrays were provided on the tables. In a small claims procedure, the court awarded the customer full compensation allowed by law in order to deter business' owners from allowing customers to smoke.