S.J.J. Exports Company v. Food Safety Commissioner

A company that exports gutkha challenged the seizure of its products by the Indian government. The company argued that the ban on gutkha and pan masala applied only to the manufacture, storage, and sale of the products within the State of Maharasthra and not to the export of such products. The court ruled that the Indian Food Safety and Standards Act prohibits both the manufacture and export of gutkha that contains tobacco.


S.J.J. Exports Company v. Food Safety Commissioner, W.P. No. 2266 of 2012, High Court of Judicature at Bombay (2013).

  • India
  • Jan 21, 2013
  • High Court of Judicature at Bombay


Plaintiff S.J.J. Exports Company


  • Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, New Delhi
  • Food Safety Commissioner
  • Principal Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Secretary, Government of Maharasthra Food and Drug Administration
  • The Assistant Police Commissioner
  • The Asst. Commissioner (Food)
  • The Director General Foreign Trade
  • The State of Maharashrta
  • The Superintendent (Ex. & Imp.)
  • Union of India, through the Secretary

Legislation Cited

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2003

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product