Republic of the Marshall Islands v. American Tobacco Company

The Republic of the Marshall Islands sued a number of tobacco companies for the health care costs of treating residents with smoking-related illnesses. The government alleged that the tobacco companies misrepresented the health risks of smoking and, as a result, many residents became addicted to smoking and developed lung cancer and other diseases. The court affirmed an earlier dismissal of the case, finding that the government did not present sufficient evidence to show that any misconduct by the tobacco companies led to medical costs paid by the government. Additionally, the court found that the government failed to provide sufficient proof of both the existence of and the amount of damages.


Republic of Marshall Islands v. American Tobacco Co., 2 MILR 181 (2002).

  • Marshall Islands
  • May 9, 2002
  • Supreme Court of the Republic of the Marshall Islands


Plaintiff The Republic of the Marshall Islands


  • American Tobacco Company
  • Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation
  • Philip Morris Incorporated
  • Philip Morris Products, Inc.
  • R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

Legislation Cited

Consumer Protection Act

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product
