Non-Smokers' Rights Association v. SA Télérama

The Non-Smokers' Rights Association (DNF) brought an action against Telerama magazine and its editors, alleging that publishing an image of a young celebrity singer with a partially smoked, lit "Guevara" brand cigar in her mouth constituted direct or indirect propaganda and/or tobacco advertising. Telerama argued that the image was unusual and artistic and did not directly or indirectly advertise tobacco products. The court ruled in favor of Telerama, finding that the definitions of "propaganda" and "advertising" did not apply in this case. 


Non-Smokers' Rights Association v. SA Telerama, et al., Case No. 0629908229, Court of First Instance - Paris (2007).

  • France
  • Apr 27, 2007
  • Court of First Instance - Paris


Plaintiff Non-Smokers' Rights Association


  • Bruno Patino
  • SA Telerama
  • Yann Chapellon

Legislation Cited

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Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product