Non-Smokers' Rights Association v. Express Expansion

Defendants, a magazine and its directors, were cited for publishing two images of Formula 1 race car drivers with tobacco advertising on their uniforms and vehicles. The court examined the photographs and held that defendants were not liable because the alleged tobacco advertising was illegible, it was a brand only available in China (where such advertising was permissible), and the publication of the photos bore no relationship to tobacco advertising. 


Non-Smokers' Rights Association v. Express Expansion, et al., Case No. 0631008449, Court of First Instance - Paris (2007).

  • France
  • Jul 12, 2007
  • Court of First Instance - Paris


Plaintiff Non-Smokers' Rights Association


  • Denis Jeambar
  • Marc Feuillee
  • Rudi Johnston Roussillon
  • Societe Group Express-Expansion

Legislation Cited

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product
