Frigi, et al. v. Tobacco Company Souza Cruz S/A, et al.
Maria de Fátima Silvieira Frigi, et al. v.Tobacco Company Souza Cruz S/A, et al., CNJ: 0087931-37.2004.8.21.0003, 1a Vara Cível 1/1 do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul [1st Civil Court 1/1 of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul] (2005).
- Brazil
- Oct 5, 2005
- Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul, 1st Civil Court 1/1 (1a Vara Cível 1/1 do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul)
The plaintiffs brought an action against tobacco companies, Philip Morris and Souza Cruz, seeking damages for the death of their relative. The plaintiffs claimed that their husband/father was induced into consuming tobacco by defendants' misleading advertisements. The lower court dismissed the case and the plaintiffs appealed to the higher court, seeking the overturning of the lower court’s decision for denying them the opportunity to produce evidence. The higher court found in favor of the plaintiffs and overturned the lower court's decision, granting the plaintiffs the right to produce evidence. During the process, Philip Morris claimed to be an illegitimate defendant in the case.