Donovan, et al. v. Philip Morris USA, Inc.

This case involves the certification of questions of law to a state court by a U.S. district court.  In the district court action, a class of older smokers sought a program of medical monitoring for early detection of disease.  The defendant tobacco company filed motions to dismiss and summary judgment.  The state court ruled that plaintiffs had could maintain a claim under state law but could not determine if the statute of limitations on filing a claim had expired given the procedural posture of the case. 


Donovan v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 455 Mass. 215, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (2009).

  • United States
  • Oct 19, 2009
  • Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court



  • Another
  • Kathleen Donovan

Defendant Philip Morris USA, Inc.

Legislation Cited

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product
