Doctors For You v. State of Bihar

Doctors for You, a humanitarian organization, sued the State of Bihar seeking enforcement of various provisions of India's omnibus tobacco control law. The court ordered the government to undertake an educational campaign (including newspaper, electronic media, and radio communications as well as through displays at public places) on the harmful effects of smoking and chewing tobacco prior to taking any enforcement action.


Doctors for You v. State of Bihar, Civil Writ Case No. 14729 of 2013, High Court of Judicature at Patna (2013).

  • India
  • Sep 24, 2013
  • High Court of Judicature at Patna


Plaintiff Doctors For You


  • P.M.C. (Patma Municipal Corporation)
  • State of Bihar
  • Union of India

Legislation Cited

Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product
