Confederacao Nacional do Comercio de Bens, Servicos e Turismo v. Rio de Janeiro

The National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services, and Tourism filed a lawsuit against Rio de Janeiro's tobacco control law on smoke-free environments, which banned smoking in public or private collective environments. The Court unanimously held that the state legislative assembly did not exceed its competence to legislate public health. The Court noted that local regulations could be more restrictive than the federal regulation. Further, the judges established that (i) freedom of commerce must be interpreted together with the principle of consumer protection and (ii) restrictions on products that are potentially dangerous are legitimate.


Confederacao Nacional do Comercio de Bens, Servicos e Turismo v. Estado do Rio De Janeiro, Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade 4.306, Supremo Tribunal Federal [Federal Supreme Court] (2019).

  • Brazil
  • Dec 20, 2019
  • Supremo Tribunal Federal (Federal Supreme Court)


Plaintiff Confederacao Nacional do Comercio de Bens, Servicos e Turismo (CNC)


  • Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro)
  • Governador do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro)

Legislation Cited

Law No. 9.294 (as amended)

Decree No. 2.018 on Regulations of Law No. 9.294

Constitution of Brazil

Law No. 5.517/2001 (state law)

Related Documents

Type of Litigation

Tobacco Control Topics

Substantive Issues

Type of Tobacco Product
