Last updated: January 30, 2023

Key Terms

Tobacco Product

Term Defined

Tobacco products: products entirely or partly made from the fermentation of tobacco (leaf) and/or makhorka, with or without added sauces and/or other flavorings, intended for smoking (smoking tobacco products), sucking, chewing, snuffing (smokeless tobacco products), and/or other ways of consuming tobacco products.


The definition of “tobacco products” aligns with the definition of “tobacco product” from FCTC Art. 1(f).

FCTC-Based Definition

Any product entirely or partly made of the leaf tobacco as a raw material which is manufactured to be used for smoking, sucking, chewing, or snuffing. (FCTC Art. 1(f))

Outside Packaging and Labeling

Term Not Defined

Although the law does not define “outside packaging and labeling,” the law defines other forms of consumer packaging that, read as a whole, include the elements of outside packaging and labeling provided in the definition in FCTC Art. 11(4).

FCTC-Based Definition

Any packaging and labeling used in the retail sale of the product. (FCTC Art. 11(4))

Consumer Packaging

Term Defined

Consumer packaging: the smallest unit packaging of tobacco products in which they are purchased by the consumer.


The definition of “consumer packaging” is relevant because it describes unit packaging on which health warnings are required.


Term Defined

A pack: a unit of consumer packaging made of cardboard, paper or other material that contains a certain amount of tobacco products.


The definition of “pack” is relevant because it describes a type of consumer packaging.


Term Defined

Block: grouped consumer packaging with a certain number of packs of cigarettes wrapped in polymer film, paper or paper tape.


The definition of “block” is relevant because it describes a type of outside packaging and labeling.


Term Defined

Box: grouped consumer packaging with a certain number of packs of cigarettes packed in a box made of cardboard that can be wrapped in plastic film.


The definition of “box” is relevant because it describes a type of outside packaging and labeling.