Last updated: July 19, 2024


Activities / Violations
Entities That Can Be Held Responsible

Advertising and Promotion

Any persons who allow, promote, or tolerate actions contrary to the law
Corrective action required, Fine, Other

(e.g., seizure of the product, publication of the violation/violator)

Enforcement Agency

Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare


Violation of the prohibitions of advertising and promotion of tobacco products will be sanctioned with the withdrawal of the advertising and a fine equivalent to ten times the advertisement's value.

Violation of the prohibition on free distribution will be sanctioned with confiscation of the tobacco product and a fine equivalent to five times the value of the confiscated products.

The law establishes that those who allow, promote, or tolerate some of these behaviors - private individuals or public authorities - will be considered offenders as appropriate.


Any persons who allow, promote, or tolerate actions contrary to the law
Corrective action required, Fine
Enforcement Agency

Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare


Violation of the prohibition on tobacco sponsorship will be sanctioned with the withdrawal of the advertising and a fine equivalent to ten times the advertisement's value.

The law establishes that those who allow, promote, or tolerate some of these behaviors - private individuals or public authorities - will be considered offenders as appropriate.