Last updated: August 27, 2021



Sales Restrictions


Violations of the ban on internet sales (distance contracts), vending machines sales, and the sale of smokeless tobacco are punishable by a fine for individuals of 20 to 42 fine units (100 to 210 Euros), and by a fine for legal entities of 40 to 140 fine units (200 to 700 Euros).

The enforcement agency for the sale of tobacco products via the internet is the State Revenue Service. The enforcement agency for vending machines sales and smokeless tobacco sales is the State Police.

Location-based Sales Restrictions


Violations of location-based sales restrictions are punishable by a fine for individuals of 20 to 42 fine units (100 to 210 Euros), and by a fine for legal entities of 40 to 140 fine units (200 to 700 Euros)

The enforcement agency for location-based sales restrictions is the State Police.

Minimum Retail Package Size


Violations of the minimum retail package size are punishable by a fine for individuals of 10 to 140 fine units (50 to 700 Euros), and by a fine for legal entities of 20 to 2,800 fine units (100 to 14,000 Euros).

The enforcement agency for the minimum retail package size is the State Revenue Service.

Minimum Legal Sales Age


Violations of the ban on sales to persons below the age of 18 are punishable by a fine from 56 to 70 fine units (280 to 350 Euros) for individual sellers, and by a fine from 140 to 280 fine units (700 to 1400 Euros) for legal persons.

The enforcement agency for the minimum legal sales age is the State Police.