Legislation by Country/Jurisdiction
Last updated: September 9, 2021
Smoke Free Status of Outdoor Places
Does the law require any outdoor or quasi-outdoor spaces to be smoke free or restrict smoking in any way? Examples of such places include within a specified distance of doorways, outdoor patios of bars or restaurants, parks/beaches, outdoor stadiums, and outdoor markets.
Within 100 meters of any openings, structures, doors, windows, outlets and inlets, other air intake mechanisms, a waiting area, queue, place of service or consumption of food/drinks, immovable facilities in unenclosed public or work places and other areas designated as non-smoking by the person responsible for the premises
The law prohibits smoking within 100 meters of any openings, structures, doors, windows, outlets and inlets, other air intake mechanisms, a waiting area, queue, place of service or consumption of food/drinks, immovable facilities in unenclosed public or work places and other areas designated as non-smoking by the person responsible for the premises.
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