Last updated: February 2, 2021

Enforcement Authorities

Authorized Agency
Duty to Enforce

Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority

Compliance with the requirement to restrict smoking areas

The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority is responsible for monitoring compliance with the requirement to restrict smoking areas.

The law specifies that enforcement authorities “may” apply supervision measures provided for in the Law Enforcement Act.

Rural Municipality and City Governments

Locations within their administrative territory, except compliance with the requirements established for smoking rooms

Rural municipal and city governments are responsible for monitoring compliance with restrictions on smoking in locations within their administrative territories. However, the law specifies that they are not responsible for compliance with the requirements established for smoking rooms.

The law specifies that enforcement authorities “may” apply supervision measures provided for in the Law Enforcement Act.

Health Board

Requirements established for smoking rooms

The Health Board is responsible for monitoring compliance with the requirements established for smoking rooms.

The law specifies that enforcement authorities “may” apply supervision measures provided for in the Law Enforcement Act.

Police officers

Restrictions on consumption

Police officers are responsible for monitoring compliance with restrictions on the consumption of tobacco products.

The law specifies that enforcement authorities “may” apply supervision measures provided for in the Law Enforcement Act.