Last updated: July 29, 2022

Action Required for Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship Not Banned

Disclosure to the government by the tobacco industry of information on advertising, promotion and sponsorship activities and expenditures


The law contains a ban on most forms of tobacco advertising and promotion, subject to a few limited exceptions, such as some cross-border internet advertising, point of sale product display, toys and candy, and limited unpaid depiction. There is no reporting requirement related to these limited forms of permitted advertising and promotion.

With regard to sponsorship, the law requires the tobacco industry to disclose information on expenditures for tobacco sponsorship as follows: “Tobacco companies must annually report to the Ministry of Health an itemized breakdown of donations made, as well as expenses incurred as a result of agreements with public institutions, athletic or community organizations, academic or cultural institutions, and non-governmental organizations.”

The law aligns with FCTC Art. 13 and the FCTC Art. 13 Guidelines with respect to disclosure to the government by the tobacco industry of information on permitted sponsorship activities. To more fully align, the law should also require industry disclosure of advertising and promotion activities and expenditures.

Health warning messages required on permitted forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Not Required

Generally, the law does not require health warnings on permitted forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. The law, however, does require that any inserts into tobacco product packaging and labeling display health warnings.

To align with FCTC Art. 13 and the FCTC Art. 13 Guidelines, the law should require health warnings on all permitted forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

Disclosed information readily available to the public

Not Required

The law does not require that disclosed information be made readily available to the public.

To align with FCTC Art. 13 and FCTC Art. 13 Guidelines para. 42, the law should require that disclosed information be made readily available to the public.