Cigars, cigarillos, bidis, and other similar products

Any combustible tobacco product that is designed to be smoked – other than cigarettes – including cigars, cigarillos, little cigars, blunts, and bidis or beedis (small, flavored filterless Indian cigarettes).

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E-cigarettes and other ENDS products

Electronic and/or battery-operated devices designed to deliver an inhaled dose of nicotine or other substances. Examples include electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), electronic cigars, electronic cigarillos, electronic hookah, vaporizers, and vape pens. ENDS does not include any device or medication approved by the government as nicotine replacement therapy.

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Heated tobacco products (HTPs)

Heated tobacco products (HTPs) are tobacco products that require the use of an electronic device to heat a tobacco insert (stick or pod of compressed tobacco). HTP systems are fully integrated so that the heating device and tobacco insert for each system must be used together.

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Hookah, shisha, and water pipes

A single or multi-stemmed instrument for vaporizing and smoking flavored tobacco (shisha or sheesha) or other products in which the vapor or smoke is passed through a water basin ‒ often glass-based ‒ before inhalation. Water pipes are known by a variety of names such as hookah, huqqah, nargilah, nargile, arghila, and qalyan.

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Loose tobacco leaf

Examples include roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco for hand rolling cigarettes and pipe tobacco (not including chewing tobacco).

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Oral nicotine products (non-medicinal)

Products not containing tobacco designed for nicotine absorption through the mouth. Examples include nicotine pouches, nicotine lozenges, and nicotine sticks. Oral nicotine products do not include any nicotine product approved by the government as nicotine replacement therapy.

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Smokeless tobacco products

Tobacco products that are used by means other than smoking, such as chewing, sniffing, or placing between the teeth and gum. Examples include chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, snuf, snus, gutkha or gutka, and dissolvable tobacco products.

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