Last updated: May 30, 2023

Key Terms

Tobacco Product

Term Defined

Tobacco means a product made from the whole or part of the tobacco material processed in the form of cigarette, cigar, loose tobacco fiber, water pipe tobacco and other types.

Tobacco materials is tobacco leaves in the loose form or in a pressed form, or in the fiber form and other replacement materials used for manufacturing of tobacco products.

Tobacco use means behaviors of smoking, chewing, snuffing, sniffing, sucking of tobacco products.


These related definitions, taken together, align with the definition of "tobacco product" in FCTC Art. 1(f).

FCTC-Based Definition

Any product entirely or partly made of the leaf tobacco as a raw material which is manufactured to be used for smoking, sucking, chewing, or snuffing. (FCTC Art. 1(f))

Outside Packaging and Labeling

Term Not Defined

This term is not defined and is not used in the law or regulations. However, “tobacco packet” is defined in a way that essentially includes “outside packaging and labeling”, as that term is defined in FCTC Art. 11(4).

FCTC-Based Definition

Any packaging and labeling used in the retail sale of the product. (FCTC Art. 11(4))

Tobacco Packet

Term Defined

Tobacco packet is a tobacco pack, carton or boxes, which are used to contain the tobacco products that are manufactured, imported for consumption in the territory of Vietnam.


The term “tobacco packet” is defined in a way that essentially includes “outside packaging and labeling”, as that term is defined in FCTC Art. 11(4).

Health Warning

Term Defined

Health warning means the information by text and pictures described or explained the harmful effects on human health as a result of tobacco consumption.


The term "health warning" as defined in the law is important in determining the scope of the health warning requirements.