Last updated: December 8, 2020

Key Terms

Tobacco Product

Term Defined

"Tobacco": a product obtained from a blend of Nicotiana Tabacum and Nicotiana Rustica plants, and/or from any blend thereof, then is cured by flue, sun, air, fire, or fermentation.


The definition of "tobacco" contained in SFDA.FD 60:2018 aligns with the definition of "tobacco product" contained in FCTC Art. 1(f).

FCTC-Based Definition

Any product entirely or partly made of the leaf tobacco as a raw material which is manufactured to be used for smoking, sucking, chewing, or snuffing. (FCTC Art. 1(f))

Outside Packaging and Labeling

Term Defined

"Container packet": for a tobacco product, it means any container packet containing or assumes to contain tobacco for sale purposes. It contains, either wholly or partially:
3.6.1. A single product container; or
3.6.2. A set of unit packets.

If the container packet includes more than one packaging separator, each separator is considered as a separate container packet.


The definition of "container packet" contained in SFDA.FD 60:2018 aligns with the definition of “outside packaging and labeling” provided in FCTC Art. 11(4) in that it encompasses both unit packaging and cartons.

FCTC-Based Definition

Any packaging and labeling used in the retail sale of the product. (FCTC Art. 11(4))

Unit Packet

Term Defined

"Unit packet": for a tobacco product, it means the internal packaging (whether within a container packet or not) where it contains or assumes to contain tobacco product for sale purposes and does not include any film wrapper.


The definition of "unit packet" contained in SFDA.FD 60:2018 is significant because health warnings are required on both unit packets and container packets.

Scientific Fact

Term Defined

"Scientific fact": a scientifically proven fact showing on either side surfaces of a unit packet or a container packet.


The definition of "scientific fact" contained in SFDA.FD 60:2018 is significant because the Standard specifies the requirements for these messages on product packaging.

Health Message

Term Defined

"Health message": A health advice showing on either side surfaces of a unit packet or a container packet.


The definition of "health message" contained in SFDA.FD 60:2018 is significant because the Standard specifies the requirements for these messages on product packaging.