Last updated: January 11, 2021

Enforcement Authorities

Authorized Agency
Duty to Enforce

Government, governors of all levels, state administration agency in charge of professional inspection, police departments, and other authorized organizations and officials

All places where smoking is prohibited

The law identifies several broad entities responsible for execution of the law, including the government, governors of all levels, the state administration agency in charge of professional inspection, police departments, and other authorized organizations and officials have the responsibility to monitor activities. However, it is unclear which entity is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance with the law.

Administrations of business entities, organizations, and their affiliates

Within their framework of authority

For business entities, organizations, and their affiliates, each entity’s administration is responsible for implementation and compliance of the law within the framework of their authority.

Association for the protection of consumer rights and other non-governmental organizations

Public monitoring

The Association for the protection of consumer rights and other non-governmental organizations can carry out public monitoring of compliance.