Department of Health Administrative Order No. 2010-0013 Requiring Graphic Health Information on Tobacco Product Packages, Adopting Measures to Ensure that Tobacco Product Packaging and Labelling Do Not Promote Tobacco by Any Means That Are False, Misleading, Deceptive or Likely to Create an Erroneous Impression, and Matters Related Thereto
COMMENTS: Administrative Order No. 2010-0013 requires graphic health information to be displayed on tobacco packaging and prohibits the use of misleading information that directly or indirectly create or are likely to create the false impression that a tobacco product or brand is less harmful than any other tobacco product or brand. However, before the Administrative Order took effect, tobacco companies filed various lawsuits in several cities to challenge the validity of the Administrative Order. As of December 2014, the Administrative Order has not been implemented.
To the best of our knowledge, all laws provided here are in effect as of February 18, 2025 unless otherwise noted.